Friday 15 June 2012

My last week in Manchester

Apologies for the severe lack of posts but I have had a pretty hectic week! So here is what I've been up to...

Firstly, COLDPLAY at the Emirates Stadium in London, which was amazing! I have loved Coldplay ever since their first album Parachutes. Their latest album Mylo Xyloto took a slightly different direction, being much more upbeat. I got to see them with my family and some family-friends which was just so much fun! Chris Martin was of course flawless, and boy do they put on a show! We were all given wristbands on entering which flashed to different songs. When Charlie Brown came on, arguable my favourite song from the latest album, it was pretty insane looking around and seeing 65 thousand flashing lights. An absolutely incredible night.

Next I was back up in Manchester to celebrate the end of second year with a couple of big nights, the first of which was Pangaea, one of the biggest non-profit student nights in the country. Currently in its 7th year, there are 2 events a year, right after the January and Summer exam periods and takes place in the student union. There is a different theme every time, this time it was Club Tropicana, and the union is completely transformed. An all night rave completely organised by the students is what makes this one of the best nights of the year!

Straight after Pangaea came Parklife, a mini festival that takes place in Platt Fields Park in Manchester. This is the last thing that happens each year in Manchester before everyone goes their separate ways for the summer. This year saw the likes of The Flaming Lips, Noah and the Whale and Labrinth headlining over the 2 days. Unfortunately Azealia Banks cancelled her appearance, who I was most looking forward to seeing!

Finally I was lucky enough to get tickets to see Watch the Throne, and even luckier I got to see it with one of my best and oldest friends. If you haven't already you simply must download the collaborative album of Jay Z and Kanye West and listen to it all the way through! One of the best albums from 2 of the biggest artists and producers. They played for 3 hours, songs from the Watch the Throne album as well as some songs individually. I had been looking forward to the concert for months and am kind of sad that it is over, as well as not quite being able to believe that it actually happened. That's just how great it was. It was pretty fucking incredible. 

After my whirlwind of a week I am back home in Oxford after having said an emotional goodbye to Manchester. It was bittersweet, I could not be more excited for my year abroad but it was sad saying goodbye to my housemate and other friends who won't be there in my final year. 

So my apologies again, I will be spending the summer working and interning and blogging!

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