Sunday 28 October 2012

Political Climate

It's pretty exciting being in the US right now, change is most definitely in the air and while that can be exciting it is also pretty terrifying. As a women, the thought of a Romney run United States makes me very very nervous. Check out this amazing video, featuring many fashion favourites, recreating Lesley Gore's 1964 'You Don't Own Me'...

Elections are so so important. Who runs our country is so so important. I don't understand how so many of my generation fails to see the importance in knowing and actively participating in our political system. We take it for granted, this notion of 'democracy'. Having a say in who governs us is a severely undervalued right. In my opinion, no vote no opinion. If you choose not to vote you forfeit your right to a say in pretty much everything. 

So that's my rant over and done with, on to the fashion! Michelle Obama has done wonderful things for young up and coming designers, pushing the boundaries in interesting and daring choices. Here are some of my favourite looks...

Alexander McQueen
Doo-Ri Chung 
Jason Wu
Jason Wu
J. Mendel
Erickson Beamon
Peter Som
Naeem Khan
Michael Kors

While I have nothing against what Ann Romney wears there is a severe lack of publicity. I emphasise the word wear because I have a huge problem in her opinions (Why should women be paid equal to men?). From a PR perspective, nothing is more beneficial for a brand than the honour of dressing the First Lady. And whoever Michelle Obama wears, the next day, no the next second, it is photographed, blogged about, tweeted, you name it. However, designers remain silent when it comes to Ann Romney. It has been said that Anna Wintour has forbidden designers to dress the Republican candidate's wife. The fashion industry is predominantly Democrat, and Wintour is an active supporter of Obama. 

While this may be the case, it must be said that whatever the outcome of the 2012 Presidential elections, designers will no doubt be clamouring over the chance to dress the First Lady. 

Not being a US citizen I am unable to vote, however, it is of the utmost importance that all that can do. So GO VOTE!

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