Wednesday 30 January 2013

Django Unchained

So as with many, I am a fan of Tarantino and his epic films. The cast is always stella and the story is always bloody. His latest offering Django Unchained follows this same formula, starring Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz (who I love he definitely made the film for me), Leonardo DiCaprio (the first film in 16 years in which he is credited third not first), Samuel L. Jackson, Kerry Washington, as well as a cameo from Tarantino himself. And boy was it gory. 

All in all I did enjoy the movie. Enjoy not love. As many have been saying it is simply 'Inglorious Bastards but with slaves'. The formula is almost too tried and tested. The core story line was weak. But the dialogue was fantastic, largely due to Christoph Waltz who killed it once again.

Would I recommend it? Of course, because at the end of the day, what do I know?!

Ann Hamilton

A couple of weeks ago I went to the Ann Hamilton: The Event of a Thread installation at the Park Avenue Armory. At the moment I'm really into art which completely immerses you, and where you actively participate in the experience. The large-scale installation is unfortunately over, but the Park Avenue Armory is a really cool space and there's lots going on, check it out

Ann Hamilton is an American artist that specialises in visual art such as multi-media installations, video, sculpture, photography, textile art and printmaking. This latest installation draws together the 'building's architecture, individual encounters, and congregational gathers'. There were swings, and draped fabric, and pigeons, and readings - a thoroughly enjoyable day out!

(some pictures I took, for more of my photographs check out my other blog: Ami Sehmi Photography)

Sunday 20 January 2013

Girl Crush: Eleonora Carisi

I will start posting more regularly soon. I promise. It's been a crazy winter break. But for now some photos of my latest girl crush Eleonora Carisi...

Saturday 5 January 2013

Givenchy Spring 2013 Campaign

Featuring friends such as Kate Moss, Marina Abramovic, Mariacarla Boscono, José María Manzanares, Jared Buckhiester and Francisco Peralta, Riccardo Tisci's latest campaign for Givenchy is to die for.

Friday 4 January 2013

Life of Pi

I saw this movie right before Christmas with some friends and boy was it beautiful. The book has been recommended to me by countless people and after seeing the movie I definitely need to hunt it down and give it a long overdue read. 

The movie follows Pi on an epic journey across oceans with one companion...Richard Parker, a Bengal Tiger. Ang Lee delivers this film in the most perfect way, the cinematography is what makes it. It's evident that it has been shot to be screened in 3D, a gimmick which doesn't really interest me, which I always find slightly disappointing. That being said I truly enjoyed being transported into a magical world. 

It's Been a While...

It has been an awfully long time since I last updated, the holiday season was pretty crazy. After the final push last semester I finished finals and flew to Florida to meet my family for Christmas. It was lovely to get some sunshine and to see everyone after such a long time apart. I then flew back to New York and a friend, a best friend, joined me for New Year in the Big Apple. It was ideal. Now I'm hanging around the city, desperately waiting for the 8th of January when I will be flying back to England for 2 weeks. Perfection.